Our Services

GEM Mental Health Therapy and Coaching was founded in order to provide high-quality, professional counselling to anyone in need.

Individual Services

Individual, Couple and Family Counselling, Mental Health Professional Intervention, Trauma Therapy, Expression Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, CBT / NLP / REBT Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, Mindfulness-Based, Psychotherapy, Relationship Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy, Supportive Psychotherapy

Support Groups

I will be hosting Support Groups at weekly hour discussions. Each participant will be there to support others by listening and sharing. some of the topics of these Support Groups are “Anxiety”, “Depression” , “Grief” and “Information and Support to Families of Bipolar Sufferers”. The group sizes has been limited to 10 participants per Group session. There is a minimal fee involved and I will share this with you on an individual basis that will cover handouts and other minor expenses. You will receive tools and techniques to use and will hopefully make lifelong friends through these support group settings.

Please send your wish to be part of any of these support groups to enquiries@gemtherapy.co.za to secure your slot.

Corporate Workshops & Training

½ day, 1 and 2 day workshops on (including, but not limited to) HIV/Aids, Mindfulness, Relaxation and Stress Management To Corporations on Employer/Management and Employee level. These workshops are presented in an energized manner and are filled with activities and take-home information...

Public Speaking Services

We offer 1 hour public speaking services at conferences, workshops, expos, educational institutions, government and non-profit organization as well as private organizations.  A variety of topics are available and includes (but not limited to): Team Dynamics, Conflict Management, Anger Management, Time Management, Women Empowerment, Bullying at the Workplace and Finding your Balance. These presentations are presented in an energized manner and are filled with activities and take-home information.

Public Speaking Services

We offer 1 hour public speaking services at conferences, workshops, expos, educational institutions, government and non-profit organization as well as private organizations.  A variety of topics are available and includes (but not limited to) Team Dynamics, Conflict Management, Anger Management, Time Management, Women Empowerment, Bullying at the Workplace and Finding your Balance

These presentations are presented in an energized manner and are filled with activities and take-home information.


All counselling records are kept strictly confidential. Information is shared only with a person’s written consent.  Exceptions to confidentiality are rare and include when a person poses a threat to his/her own safety or the safety of someone else or when it is ordered by a court.


Panic attacks, chronic fatigue, emotional problems, shame, suicidal tendencies, self-injury, high-risk behaviors , obsessive-compulsive disorder, PTSD, post-partum depression, disturbed sleep issues, irritability, seasonal affective disorder

Relaxation, learn strategies to decrease anxiety and overwhelming feelings, need for perfectionism

Stress management to help alleviate the psychological, physical, behavioral and emotional effects

Physical, emotional, verbal, sexual abuse, past or present molestation

Anger, depression, resentment, conflict of authority, co-parenting skills, starting over

Negative interactions with family members such as little to no communication, distancing, disrespect towards one another, anger, violence

Attachment issues, communication problems, infidelity, mistrust, mutual activities, poor interpersonal relationships

Communication, compatibility, sexuality, conflict resolution, developing mutual goals

Domestic violence, batterer’s intervention

Newly married, new parents, empty nest syndrome, retirement, divorce, widowhood

Inappropriate behavior, step-family problems, learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, hyperactivity, lack of self-control/self-regulation

Traumatic loss, depression, denial, guilt, anger, coping with death and other losses

Preoccupation with body or weight, loss of self-identity, dysfunctional habits, mid-life crisis, compulsive disorders

Break undesirable habits and disruptive behavior, lack of self-control/self-regulation, control phobias and build self-confidence and morale

Cross-gender issues, “coming-out”, guilt, anxiety, depression, confusion, life-style issues

Depression, fear, anger, feelings of guilt, loss of self-esteem, disturbed sleep issues


Trauma therapy helps clients overcome psychological trauma through becoming aware of their trauma, what the triggers are and in what way they react to these events or triggers and therefore gaining skills that prevents a relapse.

CBT is a hands-on treatment and practical approach to problem-solving. Its goal is to change the pattern of thinking or behavior that’s behind the client’s difficulties and therefore change the way they feel by focusing on the thoughts, images, beliefs and attitudes that are held.

Mindfulness involves acceptance, where we maintain a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and surrounding environment through a gentle and nurturing lens. We practice mindfulness by tuning our thoughts into what we are sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is like learning the language of your own mind and becoming fluent in that language so that your unconscious will finally understand what you want out of life. It is the study of excellent communication, both with yourself and with others. It is a set of tools and techniques of knowing how to achieve your goals and get results.

Art therapy is an expressive language of the conscious and the unconscious minds. Various art mediums are being used in assessing and treating various mental and emotional problems, psychological, cognitive and psychosocial difficulties.

IPT is the principle that relationships and life events impact mood. It is a highly structured and time-limited approach which centers on resolving interpersonal problems and symptomatic recovery.

Sessions are often designed to improve problem-solving, build communication skills, identify life goals and relationship responsibilities. There are often times when individual psychological issues of one or both parties need to be addressed. The aim is to decrease distress and increase the health of the relationship.

EFT and TFT involve tapping on specific points on the body while focusing attention on a specific emotion or problem and is used to overcome negative thoughts, traumatic memories and triggers.

REBT is the concept that our emotions result solely from our beliefs and not by the events that occur in our lives. By identifying irrational beliefs, the client will learn how to dispute them and replacing them with rational ones.

SFBT places focus on a person’s present and future circumstances and goals rather than past experiences by assisting the client to develop a vision of the future and offers support as the client determine the skills, resources and abilities needed to achieve their visions successfully.

The aim is to reduce or to relieve the intensity of manifested or presenting symptoms, distress or disability, by reducing the extent of behavioral disruptions by the client’s psychic conflicts or disturbances.