What Is / What If / When To

As Mental Health Awareness is becoming more to the forefront, I have put together a few information sheets on certain mental health issues that are some of the more prominent issues that most people know about and/or suffer from, but aren’t entirely sure what it entails. Please download it, print it out, share the information and help me by becoming an advocate for Mental Health Issues.

Through time, this list will grow and more information will become available, so please visit the page every now and then to see if something new has been added.

This information will also be available under the GEM Mental Health Therapy and Coaching Facebook page.

As Mental Health Awareness is becoming more to the forefront, I have put together a few information sheets on certain mental health issues that are some of the more prominent issues that most people know about and/or suffer from, but aren’t entirely sure what it entails. Please download it, print it out, share the information and help me by becoming an advocate for Mental Health Issues.

Through time, this list will grow and more information will become available, so please visit the page every now and then to see if something new has been added.

This information will also be available under the GEM Mental Health Therapy and Coaching Facebook page.